The Aubrey Beardsley Exibition at Tate Britain, March - September, 2020
For this exhibtion of Aubrey Beardsley's consummate draughtsmanship, Tate Britain collected the largest collection of Beardsley's original artwork ever seen. Towards the end of the exhibition, there is a section on artists who have been influenced by Beardsley since his death. I was honoured to have my drawing of Beardsley on his deathbed (from my film, 'After Beardsley') included, appropriately, as the final image of the exhibition.
For the 100th anniversary of Aubrey Beardsley's death, the V&A staged a major exhibition which then moved to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. My animated film 'After Beardsley' was shown on a continuous loop throughout, and my drawing of Beardsley on his death bed (purchased by the V&A after the exhibition) was included in the exhibition catalogue.
One of Nature's robotic assistants