Hidden Secrets of a Plans Chest

Hidden Secrets of a Plans Chest

Artwork from around the age of 13

On our second trip to England, when I was 13, we lived a block away from the Natural History Museum. I spent a lot of time there drawing dinosaurs, lions, hippos etc. This is a drawing of the Coelacanth, thought to have become extinct 66 million years ago, but found in a fisherman’s net off the coast of South Africa in 1938. That fact blew me away and I had to paint it. 
I was about 14 when I attempted to draw a freighter in distress on the high seas with no reference. 
When I was 16, I spent the summer with my grandmother in Sewanee, Tennessee, and took a summer art class. Sewanee was a university town and offered all the opportunities one could want in their summer program (I also took typing, which I didn’t want). Here are some of my pieces from that time: a tree; a bust of Voltaire; studies of a cement plant; various abstracts.
In 1976, Richard Nixon gets exiled to the island of St. Helena where he meets Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles Manson and Prince Bernhard of Belgium…  

Some cartoons from the 60s and 70s

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